Tag Archives: mom

mommas – we’re all the same, no matter the species


a momma mourning dove set up house on top of our back porch light. i’m not sure when baby was born because all we could see was her. but on saturday she had flown off and we discovered a baby that was kind of big and already has all it’s feathers, so it’s clearly not a newborn.

yesterday evening it fell from the nest – not sure if it was trying to fly – and a blue jay suddenly swooped out of nowhere and began pecking at it. i banged on the window to frighten it away and soon after momma bird showed up and fought off the blue jay on his second attempt. baby bird spent the evening crouched in the corner of the porch with momma bird perched nearby keeping a watchful eye.

after taking the kids to school this morning, i went outside to see if baby bird made it through the night. i found it huddled against the back fence, trying to blend in with the wood and the small patch of dirt it was sitting on. momma bird was nowhere to be seen. shortly after going back inside, it began to rain and i looked out to see that momma bird had returned and was sitting over baby bird to keep it dry. daddy bird appeared too and perched nearby, cooing to his family.

i can’t help but be in awe of how no matter the species, mommas will fight off the enemy and sit in the pouring rain to keep our babies safe. whatever it takes, mommas do it. no matter the species.

rock on, momma bird!

rock on, momma humans!