ideal vs. real: a tale of 2 lists


recently, i found myself making a mental list of all the things i had wanted to get done that day and a list of all the things i actually completed. not surprisingly, one list was much longer than the other. i began to reminisce about the life i had before becoming a parent and i marveled at all the things i was able to accomplish in a single day. it’s in stark contrast to the daily to-do list i now have {both ideal and realistic} and is actually a little comical {because if i don’t laugh at it i’ll cry!}.

i have such high expectations for each day – make homemade meals from wholesome, organic ingredients, be the “fun Pinterest mom” with the spotless house, fashionably on-point wardrobe and perfectly coiffed hair. my reality is oh so different! meals do not contain organic ingredients and are not always homemade, Pinterest and Facebook will be the death of my self-esteem, on a good day i’m in dark jeans, a “nice” t shirt and flats {but usually it’s faded jeans, whatever top was clean and tennis shoes and on “bad” days it’s yoga pants and a workout shirt}. my hair is a post-partum eruption of messy {read as: often frizzy} waves in the always-fashionable {insert sarcasm voice}, embracing-my-true-self color of salt & pepper.

the reality of each day’s to-do list is nothing like my ideal to-do list. because…. kids. they don’t share my deep-seated need to have a list, complete all items on the list and never deviate from the list. what can i say, i like organization and routine and i don’t like disorganization and surprises. it’s a parenthood conflict that is making me grow in ways i never thought possible!

so i thought i’d give you a little peak into my daily life and share my lists. because….  it’s nice to share {insert mommy-voice}

before parenthood:

  • number of items on to-do list – 6,573
  • number of items started – 6,573
  • number of items completed at the end of the day – 6,573

example of some items on to-do list {in no particular order} –

  • clean bathroom
  • do all laundry {including sheets and towels} – wash, dry, fold, iron, put away
  • grocery shop for the week
  • go to gym
  • get hair done
  • get mani/pedi
  • do own taxes
  • read for pleasure
  • get dressed up in latest fashion for girls’ night/date night
  • attend girls’ night/date night
  • volunteer at church/food pantry/humane society/etc
  • sign up for charity fun-run
  • meet extended family for lunch

examples of completed items on to-to list –

  • everything!

after parenthood:

  • number of items on to-do list – 6,573
  • number of items started – 5
  • number of kid-induced interruptions – 9,648
  • number of items on list completed at the end of the day – 2
  • number of items not on list completed at the end of the day – 483

example of some items on to-do list {in no particular order} –

  • make breakfast/lunch/dinner for family
  • make sure kids get dressed {anything weather appropriate counts, bonus points if the clothes match}
  • bathe kids {if there is actually time and you have the energy reserves to handle the fight}
  • verify all teeth have been brushed {or that toothpaste has at least made it inside all mouths}
  • clean bathroom {read as: only the toilet and floor around the toilet} in attempt to get rid of pee smell
  • do laundry {only the items that absolutely MUST be washed because they MUST be worn the following day; sheets, towels and other non-essential items will have to wait; ironing is done in the dryer}
  • do that cute, fun Pinterest craft or science experiment you think the kids will enjoy
  • create meal plan for following week
  • grocery shop for all of the organic, non-GMO, gluten free items needed for next week’s meal plan
  • tidy house before husband gets home so it doesn’t look like a hurricane hit the kids had a fun, stimulating, educational day playing with all their toys
  • be sure to bathe self, do hair and makeup and put on something other than yoga pants and a t shirt {sad-funny how this has become an actual goal i set for myself each day :-/  }
  • attend volunteer shift at the kid’s school, the church, the local family services outreach, etc
  • call, text or email family & BFF so they’ll know i haven’t forgotten about them
  • shop for birthday gifts for the 460 birthday parties the kids have been invited to this month
  • go through all the kids’ clothes, remove items that no longer fit and take to donation center
  • try to get in a quick, at-home workout

examples of completed items on to-to list –

  • fed kids
  • exchanged pj’s for yoga pants and t shirt & put on extra deodorant in lieu of shower {mommy-fail}

examples of some items not on the to-do list that got completed –

  • refereed countless sibling battles
  • answered the call of “mommy!” and “mommy, watch this!” countless times
  • set up bounce house in backyard after much begging and pleading from children who then only bounced in said house for 5 minutes
  • helped child build intricate roller coaster thing received for birthday
  • helped other child stock “fort” with all manner of blankets, pillows and stuffed animals
  • provided small plastic containers for housing worms and ladybugs found in the backyard
  • helped child find missing toy that was suddenly the most favorite and only toy that can be played with
  • listened to very long, very detailed narrative of the new game the kids created
  • played newly created game
  • listened to very long, very detailed narrative about the topic of the day {today was lava and volcano day, yesterday was planet day}
  • spent too many lost minutes standing in various rooms of the house trying to remember why i entered said room
  • somehow survived until bedtime

no wonder i feel like i never get anything done! i gets loads done each day, it’s just not always the stuff on my official, written-on-the-legal-pad to-do list. it’s the stuff on my equally official, equally important to-do list that is written on my heart – raise happy, healthy, loving kids!

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